
2019 Summer Class Schedule

Nunziato Field
Foss Park
Nathan Tufts Park
(Powderhouse Square)
4:30 - 5:30
Diabolo - Beginner (6+)
Hula Hoops - Intermediate (6+)
Stilting - Beginner (6+)
Tumbling for Two (3-7)
Stage Combat - Intermediate (11+)
Devil Sticks - Intermediate (9+)
Juggling - Beginner (8+)
5:30 - 6:30
Diabolo - Intermediate (7+)
Musical Theatre Dance (10+)
Tiny Tots Trio (3-6)**
Poi - Intermediate (7+)
Stage Combat - Beginner (10+)
Unicycling (7+)
Devil Sticks - Beginner (8+)
Juggling - Intermediate (8+)
Stilting - Beginner (6+)
6:30 - 7:30
Baton Twirling - Beginner (5+)
Hula Hoops - Beginner (6+)
Stilting - Advanced (8+*)
Tumbling for Two - Advanced (4-7)
Baton Twirling - Intermediate (8+***)
Commedia Dell'Arte (9+)
Poi - Beginner (6+)
Sphereplay (8+)
Stilting - Beginner (6+)
Stilting - Intermediate (7+*)
Yo-Yo (8+)****

Minimum ages are in parentheses, with the following additional requirements:

*Intermediate stilters joining these classes must be able to do a basic forward kick with each leg and be able to hop on one foot. Advanced stilters need the qualifications of the Intermediate and must be able to perform a side kick, back side kick, and spin 180 degrees on one foot.
**Tiny Tots Trio is a 30 minute class and there are two sessions: 5:30-6:00 and 6:00-6:30.
***Unlike most intermediate classes, Baton Twirling – Intermediate is available to a wider range of prior experience. Students with any of the following skills may join the class: Baton Twirling, Poi, or Juggling.
****The Yo-Yo class may not end up performing this skill in the main performances. The determination will be made late in the season. In 2018, the class did not perform but in 2019, they did perform.